Meetings and Governance News

2012 Minutes

The full version including graphics can be found as a pdf file here

2012 IKA Annual General Meeting

20.01.2013, Coni Palace, Rome, Italy


  1. I. Welcome and Apologies
    Richard Gowers opens the meeting at 09:00 and welcomes the delegates to the 2012 AGM.
    The invitation to the AGM has been sent out according to the constitution and the required participation quorum is exceeded.

    Present are:
    BEL – Bruno de Wannemaeker
    FRA – Olivier Mouragues
    – Markus Schwendtner
    – Richard Gowers
    ITA – Miki Cerquetti
    ISR – Gil Hurvitz
    – Iain Hannay
    – Adam Szymanski
    – Robbie Dean
    Executive Committee
    – Richard Gowers
    Executive Committee
    – Bruno de Wannemaeker
    Executive Committee
    – Markus Schwendtner
    Executive Committee
    – Mirco Babini
    Executive Committee
    – Adam Szymanski
    Executive Committee
    – Olivier Mouragues

    Proxies represented:
    AND -> Mirco Babini
    AUS -> Iain Hanney
    -> proxy capacity exceeded
    CAY -> Robbie Dean
    -> Richard Gowers
    ESP -> Iain Hannay
    JPN -> Markus Schwendtner
    MEX -> proxy capacity exceeded
    NED -> Bruno de Wannemaeker
    NOR -> Olivier Mouragues
    SUI -> Mirco Babini
    John Gomes -> Robbie Dean

    Apologies received:

  2. II. Previous Minutes
    The 2011 AGM minutes had been published on the IKA website.
    unanimously approved

  3. III. Chairman's Report
    Richard Gowers reports on the success of the 2012 PKRA and KSP tours, the training program implemented within the ISAF Learn to Sail Program and the Beginners Guide to Kiteboarding booklet published. The number of members has increased to 51, app. 50% increase from 2011.

  4. IV. Executive Secretary’s Report
    Markus Schwendtner reports on the Olympic decision in November and the backgrounds from the beginning of the Olympic Campaign. The kiteboarding event was voted through by all committees and council but was overturned in the AGM (due to big participation for presidential elections). To get box rule equipment approved was a challenge, with the biggest hurdle being the unregulated fin issue. Further work is urgently necessary to ensure that box rule will be selected in a future campaign (e.g. 2020).
    Mirco Babini reports on a meeting with the new ISAF president. There is still chances for inclusion in 2016 (even if that is very small depending on what is happening to other sports, esp. cycling) as a demo event in Rio. There is good support for an inclusion in 2020, with the strategy to be discussed later. Meetings will take place in the upcoming weeks to make a final approach to IOC in March.

  5. V. Financial Statement
    Mirco Babini presents the final accounts 2011, provisional result 2012 and budget 2013. App. 30000 Euro are outstanding from sanctioning fees but safe to be paid. Delay caused due to delayed governmental payments mainly. It would be good if more national members would pay their dues to receive full membership benefits – future event qualification quota will reflect on this by giving preference to riders from paid up members.
    2013 budgets increased to reflect the 2012 result.
    Accounts and budget will be emailed to the members.


Only submissions and nominations from members in good standing and the executive committee shall be accepted.

Every submission to be voted on requires a proposer and a seconder. If a submission fails to have either a proposer or seconder, it will not be further discussed.

All voting to be done by simple majority, in other words the option with the most votes wins, and abstentions are irrelevant.

For voting which is changing class rules or constitution, a 2/3rd majority constituted as above is necessary.

Members in good standing are entitled to nominate a proxy if they are not able to attend personally. Proxy forms may be requested via email from the IKA secretariat.

  1. VI. Submissions

    Adam Szymanski declares conflict of interest regarding votes for board and fin issues. Iain Hanney declares to have clear voting instructions from the countries he is representing and thus no conflict of interest.

(1) Course Racing Equipment - Class Rule Changes as approved by ISAF as part of the “Formula Kite” Olympic Proposal, relating to material limitations (Executive Committee)

a)    Rigging

Proposed by MS and seconded by BDW
Friendly amendment to replace dynema/spectra with material specification or the phrase “or similar”
Vote: 25-0-0 (Yes/No/Abstentions)

b) Board Weight

Proposed by MS, seconded by BDW
Vote: 24-0-1

c)    Kite Material

To avoid the use of exotic and expensive materials. For lines in addition safety issues (cutting lines).
Proposed by MS, seconded by BDW
Information should be send out to industry about how to change class rules and make proposals for new materials etc. Explicitly invite brands to future AGMs.
Vote: 22-0-3

(2) Course Racing Equipment  - additional class rule changes (Executive Committee)

a)    Board weight – Grandfathering
Equipment that does not meet the minimum weight requirements of the current class rules shall apply a corrector weight, which shall be the difference between the weight the equipment is originally registered under, and the current minimum weight as required in D.1.3.
The corrector weight shall be placed in the place of the venting screw, or alternatively at the intersection of the length and width axis, on the hulls top surface

Reason: To remove the weight advantage of equipment registered prior to September 1st 2012 and does not need to be produced in high worldwide available numbers.

b)   Kite usage Limitations
To insert after class rule C.1.1.(b) the following new class rule C.1.1.(c) and renumber all others accordingly:
Not more than one production kite shall be registered per size range:
Large: Nominal Size of 15m or bigger
Medium: Nominal Size between 11m and 15m
Small: Nominal Size 11m or smaller

In the case that the class rules are amended to allow four kites to be registered at a regatta, add the following to the above proposal:
Safety (X-Small): Nominal Size 9m or smaller

Reason: To allow competitors to travel with one set quiver to competitions and avoid last minute gambling on the weather forecast. The three kite ranges above allow save and performant competition over a wind range of 6-25 knots, and an additional high wind kite may be allowed to be used in wind speeds exceeding 25 knots average. Recent competitions have proven that these weight ranges allow competitors of all sizes and weight to select a working quiver. The overlaps in the sizes allow for tactical considerations and different weight ranges. This new class rule also allows competitors to change sponsors and quivers in between competitions, while keeping entry costs into racing low with a set 3 kite quiver for the most common conditions.
Proposed by MS, seconded by AS
Vote: 22-2-1

(3) Course Racing Equipment – Number of Kites (USA)
To change the maximum amount of registered kites at an IKA sanctioned event from three to four and change class rule C.1.1(b) as follows:
In course racing events not more than one production board and three four production kites shall be registered. When a board or kite has been lost or accidentally damaged beyond repair, a replacement may be made, only with the approval of the Race Committee.

Reason: The wind range at a sailing venue may be anywhere from <5 to 30< knots. Currently the practice has been to allow a fourth kite in wind averaging above 25 knots. The regatta organizers are obligated to raise a signal flag to indicate the option allowed for a safety kite. This puts undue pressure on the regatta organizer to make a safety determination. The current practice also limits a sailor from making a safety decision of his/her own.
Proposed by RD, seconded by IH
Vote: 24-1-0

(4) Course Racing Equipment – Fin Limitations (Germany)
To discuss the introduction of limitations for hull appendages to control future cost development

Reason: Currently Fins are un-regulated. This might lead in the future to a cost explosion in this area. The purpose of this submission is to discuss possibilities to control costs and give manufacturers due time to adopt to any possibly future decision.
Working Party with manufacturers to discuss equipment control
Bruno (Chair), Robbie, Adam, Markus, Bas Edmonds, ISAF staff + ???

(5) Course Racing Equipment  - Class Rules General (Executive Committee)
To change the current open class rules to closed class rules with the same content and update to current ISAF requirements.

Reason: ISAF has requested all classes to change from open to closed class rules as those are easier to administer and give competitors and manufacturers more guidance and safety on what is allowed within the class rules and what is not. It prevents that large FAQs develop to answer competitors and manufacturers questions.
Proposed by MS, seconded by BDW
Vote: 24-1-0

(6) Class Rules – General (Executive Committee)
To split the class rules into individual parts separated by discipline.

Reason: The current class rules combine rules for all disciplines in one document, which makes them quite difficult to read. By separating the class rules into one section per discipline it becomes easier and more secure for competitors and manufacturers to comply with the class rules for the specific discipline and event. Especially with the development of new disciplines (like Foilboarding and Slalom) the current structure of the class rules would become more and more complicated.

Proposed by MS, seconded by BDW
Vote: 25-0-0

(7) Waveriding Qualification System (Executive Committee)
To receive a proposal from the KSP regarding 2013 ff qualification process and quota and take a decision regarding the 2013 quota and qualification system.

The Executive Committee recommends to allow one wild card each for KSP and IKA for both men and women, and to discuss the number of pre-qualified riders from the 2012 tour, and the way the remaining places are qualified.
10 men prequalified, 2 local, 1 IKA and 1 KSP wildcards, 10 free available
5 women prequalified, 1 local, 1 IKA, 1 KSP wildcards, 4 free available
Stay with qualification system 2012
Vote: 20-0-5

(8) Class Rules – New section for Foilboarding (Executive Committee)
To discuss and approve a new section for the class rules for foilboarding. The foilboarding class rules are identical with the currently open part of the class rules except C.7.1 which reads as follows:
The board appendage(s) shall have the ability to lift the hull completely out of the water when the board is moving forward. There are no restrictions in dimension.
The Executive Committee shall be empowered to finalize class rules with ISAF technical staff.

Reason: There are currently no class rules for foilboards. Development of this part of the sport is encouraged.
Proposed by OM, seconded by MS
ask ISAF advise for final wording and technical definition of the foil
Vote: 25-0-0

(9) Race Management Policy Discussion – Fleet Racing – Abandon (Germany)
To discuss an addition to the race management policies:
“If there is a major tangle at the start or shortly after the start, the race committee shall abandon the race”

Reason: a major tangle occupies a lot of space, heavily affecting the race of the competitors behind the ones tangled, without fault of their own. At or shortly after the start, there are no established leaders, and no one else would be disadvantaged.

(10) Course Racing – Standard Sailing Instructions – Penalty Turn (USA)
To create a safe and fair way to take a penalty turn. Change RRS 44.2 as follows:
“After getting well clear of other kiteboards as soon after the incident as possible, a kiteboard takes a 360°-Turn Penalty by promptly making a 360° turn with her hull in the water and with no requirement for a tack or a gybe including one completed tack and one completed gybe. Forward motion shall be established after each maneuver with the sailor on the correct side of the hull in normal sailing position. When a kiteboard takes the penalty at or near the finishing line, she shall sail completely to the course side of the line before finishing.

Reason: The current rendition of the 360 penalty turn does not require a tack or gybe. Without a tack or gybe the 360 turn is not a sufficient penalty for a breach of RRS Part 2.
Proposed by RD, seconded by MS
Vote: 25-0-0

(11) Course Racing – Standard Sailing Instructions – Penalty Turn (Germany)
Rename RRS 44.2 to “720°-Turn Penalty” and change the rule as follows:
“After getting well clear of other kiteboards as soon after the incident as possible, a kiteboard takes a 360° 720°-Turn Penalty by promptly making a two 360° turns with her hull in the water and with no requirement for a tack or a gybe. When a kiteboard takes the penalty at or near the finishing line, she shall sail completely to the course side of the line before finishing

Reason: A 360 turn penalty can be executed too fast so that it does not provide a hard enough penalty. 2 complete turns make the penalty more appropriate.

(12) Course Racing – Standard Sailing Instructions – Redress (Executive Committee)
To make the following amendment to the RRS thought the Standard Course Racing Sailing Instructions:

a) Change 62.1.(e) to:  capsizing being tangled with another kiteboard because of the action of a kiteboard that was breaking a rule of Part 2.

b) Make similar changes to the regulations in Addendum Q to “damage or injury”, allowing redress for a tangle as provided in new 62.1(e)

c) Change RRS 14(b) to: “shall be exonerated if she breaks this rule and the contact does not cause damage, a tangle with the other kiteboard, or injury.”

Reason: many protests result not from the desire to disqualify another competitors but due to the possibility to get redress. It is felt that a tangle is quite similar in its effect to damage to a sailboat, and thus redress should be granted in such cases, but not for a simple capsize.
Adding tangle to the options for redress in Addendum Q would address concerns about tangle in knock out competitions run under addendum Q.
Details should be discussed with the ISAF Racing Rules Working Party.
Do a Q&A for “tangle”. Clarification that “looking for trouble” is a reason for a rule 69 hearing
Proposed by MS, seconded by RD
Vote: 23-2-0

(13) Course Racing – Championship Rules (USA)
To eliminate the requirement for all kiteboard course racing starts to be administered under Rule 30.3. and therefore delete Item 5(a) “Recalls” of the Course Racing Championship Rules accordingly.

Reason: Black Flag Rule 30.3 requires automatic disqualification of a sailor who is on the course side of the line at the starting signal. Automatic disqualification of a sailor for an OCS start limits the sailor from restarting and salvaging a few points in accordance with Rule 29.1 or 30.1. Due to the severity of the rule the fleet will tend to start the race with a lower performance and more conservative approach.

(14) Course Racing – Championship Rules (Germany)
To recommend the use of code flag “U” as standard starting penalty

Reason: Code Flag “U” will be included in standard ISAF sailing instructions. “U” is a “soft black flag”. Rule 30.3 applies at “U-Flag” starts, but in case of a general recall, over-earlies are deleted and everybody has a new starting attempt. If individual sailors can be identified and there is no general recall, these sailors are still “black flagged”.
Proposed by BDW, seconded by RD, with the following amendment:
change 5(a) to RECOMMEND use of U-flag

Vote: 24-1-0

(15) Course Racing – Championship Rules (USA)
To eliminate the requirement for first place finishes to be scored as .7 points, rather than 1 point and therefore change Item 6(a) “Scoring and Discards” to “Scoring shall be in accordance with Appendix F (former BB)”

Reason: Scoring first place finishes with a .3 point incentive is not necessary. For the sailor it makes calculating the scores on the water more difficult, especially if there are multiple race wins. This scoring incentive was not used at the 2012 World Championship.
Proposed by RD, seconded by MS
Vote: 19-5-1

(16) Format Discussion – Fleet Racing / Short Track (Executive Committee)
To update the members about developments in course racing disciplines and a possible future split between Fleet Racing and Short Track Course Racing.
Short Track has been developed from the findings of the 2012 Santander Olympic Format Trials and have been approved by ISAF as possible future Olympic Format (once kiteboarding would be selected).
Currently Short Track is used as addition to the standard fleet racing as medal race series format. Past and future major events are used to finetune the short track racing and scoring format.
Currently Short Track is only used for the top ten, and the development for the medal race series scoring is a triple repechage, with each round run as a best of three format:

(17) Discussion of course and format recommendations of IKA Championship Rules - Course Racing (USA)
Discussed together with (16)
Current format recommendations are based on findings from ISAF Santander Format trials. They have been refined from event to event. Many other classes are challenged to develop new formats as well. ISAF requires high performance classes to develop towards a winner takes all final.
Decision: to include format RECOMMENDATIONS for courses and scoring systems in the championship rules. Encourage development and testing.

(18) Discussion regarding target times and time limits - Section 1.b of IKA Championship Rules  - Course Racing (USA)
IKA representative shall be present at all IKA championships events and ensure target times and other championship rules recommendations are upheld. If there is a good reason for variation it needs to be communicated to the riders by the class rep.

(19) IKA recommended training scheme (Norway and Denmark)
To discuss and take decision on the following proposal:
Norway and Denmark would like to propose the establishment of an IKA approved training scheme for new kite surfers and an IKA approved training for instructors.
In Denmark and Norway, we have already established an education that is used by national MNA's as part of their educational program. The Education is now a "Nordic standard" and is an important tool in the cooperation between kite associations and the national MNA's.
We suggest that educational material we have developed over several years, is used as the basis for the above proposal.
Support in principle
Working party: Mirco (Chair), Tom, Gil, Richard, Stephane, Sam, Gunnar, Markus to develop a strategy with ISAF to deploy an IKA recommended/approved training standard.

(20) Slalom – Rules, Rankings, World Titles (Executive Committee)
To receive an update on planned events, rules development and take a decision on awarding ranking points and world titles

Reason: The IKA has offered the PKRA to run Slalom as low wind discipline in exchange to the higher demands of ISAF to the racing discipline. There are no details known yet that allow the IKA to decide on how to award world titles, and how to name events.
Run slalom world title as a tour within the PKRA, with current IKA slalom rules and minimum one IKA appointed slalom specialist (jury) attending slalom events.

(21) Airstyle (Executive Committee)
To receive a report and discuss options for an “Airstyle” type of competition/discipline.
Commitment of tour operator missing, but great interest.

(22) Freestyle Rules Update (Executive Committee)
To receive an update from the PKRA on Freestyle Rules and Judging Criteria for approval
The updated PKRA judging criteria will be published soon and included in the IKA freestyle championship rules.

(23) Course Racing – 2014 Equipment Registration Deadlines and minimum production numbers (Executive Committee)
To discuss the registration and eligibility deadlines and minimum production numbers for the next equipment registration cycle (2014).
Discuss with industry to move publishing date of new equipment list to 1. June latest publishing – industry can chose publication date of new equipment to be between the time the equipment is registered with IKA and 1. June.

(24) Constitution Development (Executive Committee)
To receive an update on the current constitution and associated issues from the Executive Committee, to decide on future policy and authorize the Executive Committee to draft required constitution changes and take all necessary steps to implement them.

Reason: The IKA has grown over the past years to a size that require changes in structure, e.g. a split between executive and non executive / supervisory board, own accounting / cash flow management etc. The Executive wishes to discuss the various options and consequences and seek guidance on policy by the members.
Deferred. Executive Committee is seeking legal advise for the most effective financial and legal construction.

(25) Constitution Change (Executive Committee)
To change the current constitution clause 6.b.iv to read as follows:
35% 25% of the full members shall form a quorum (including Executive Committee members, proxy and postal votes).

Reason: With more and more members of the association it becomes more difficult to form a quorum, and a reduction in percentage reflects this to ensure that future AGMs do not lack legibility due to low participation.
Proposed by RG, seconded by MS
friendly amended to 25%
Vote: 23-2-0

(26) Hall of Fame (Executive Committee)
To introduce a “Kiteboarding Hall of Fame” to reward the best riders in each discipline of the year.
In some disciplines, there is a difference between the world champion title and the “winner” of the yearly world ranking.
A “Hall of Fame” as known from other sports would achieve a long-term reward for the riders that supported the discipline over the year.
“Hall of Fame” membership would be automatically granted to every male and female rider who is on top of the world rankings at the end of the year (or as defined per discipline).
The “Hall of Fame” could be introduced either for the 2012 season, or retrospectively since the beginning of the IKA with the 2009 season.
Working party Richard (Chair), Robbie, Gil to define criteria and beginning of Hall and Fame, then introduction.

(27) Equipment Registration System non-racing disciplines (Executive Committee)
To discuss options for a future equipment registration system to be included in the future class rules for the non-racing disciplines for later approval
Deferred. Not felt to be appropriate at the moment.

(28) Snowkiting – WISSA (Executive Committee)
To receive an update on the development of a cooperation between IKA and WISSA and take decision on further action.
Working Party to implement – get all organizers and associations together and develop implementation plan. Consolidate all existing tours and organizers into one ranking and championship.
Stephane (Chair), Remy, Bruno, Marco, Richard

  1. VII. Elections
    Two seats on the Executive Committee become vacant.
    Nominations received are:

(1) Markus Schwendtner, GER – Executive Secretary

(2) Mirco Babini, ITA – Treasurer

Voted on block by show of hands: 23-0-2

  1. VIII. Any Other Business
    TT Racing class as pathway class and crossover
    MS: There is a need for a pathway class for emerging nations. Will be discussed further. If there is the demand according to regulations a class could be established
    Point Ranking System
    RD: Put Point System into Championship rules. Recommend Point cap for high point events


The meeting was closed at 15:30 hours.

2012 IKA Annual General Meeting

20.01.2013, Coni Palace, Rome, Italy



        I.            Welcome and Apologies
Richard Gowers opens the meeting at 09:00 and welcomes the delegates to the 2012 AGM.
The invitation to the AGM has been sent out according to the constitution and the required participation quorum is exceeded.

Present are:
BEL – Bruno de Wannemaeker
FRA – Olivier Mouragues
– Markus Schwendtner
– Richard Gowers
ITA – Miki Cerquetti
ISR – Gil Hurvitz
– Iain Hannay
– Adam Szymanski
– Robbie Dean
Executive Committee
– Richard Gowers
Executive Committee
– Bruno de Wannemaeker
Executive Committee
– Markus Schwendtner
Executive Committee
– Mirco Babini
Executive Committee
– Adam Szymanski
Executive Committee
– Olivier Mouragues

Proxies represented:
AND -> Mirco Babini
AUS -> Iain Hanney
-> proxy capacity exceeded
CAY -> Robbie Dean
-> Richard Gowers
ESP -> Iain Hannay
JPN -> Markus Schwendtner
MEX -> proxy capacity exceeded
NED -> Bruno de Wannemaeker
NOR -> Olivier Mouragues
SUI -> Mirco Babini
John Gomes -> Robbie Dean

Apologies received:

      II.            Previous Minutes
The 2011 AGM minutes had been published on the IKA website.
unanimously approved

    III.            Chairman's Report
Richard Gowers reports on the success of the 2012 PKRA and KSP tours, the training program implemented within the ISAF Learn to Sail Program and the Beginners Guide to Kiteboarding booklet published. The number of members has increased to 51, app. 50% increase from 2011.

    IV.            Executive Secretary’s Report
Markus Schwendtner reports on the Olympic decision in November and the backgrounds from the beginning of the Olympic Campaign. The kiteboarding event was voted through by all committees and council but was overturned in the AGM (due to big participation for presidential elections). To get box rule equipment approved was a challenge, with the biggest hurdle being the unregulated fin issue. Further work is urgently necessary to ensure that box rule will be selected in a future campaign (e.g. 2020).
Mirco Babini reports on a meeting with the new ISAF president. There is still chances for inclusion in 2016 (even if that is very small depending on what is happening to other sports, esp. cycling) as a demo event in Rio. There is good support for an inclusion in 2020, with the strategy to be discussed later. Meetings will take place in the upcoming weeks to make a final approach to IOC in March.

      V.            Financial Statement
Mirco Babini presents the final accounts 2011, provisional result 2012 and budget 2013. App. 30000 Euro are outstanding from sanctioning fees but safe to be paid. Delay caused due to delayed governmental payments mainly. It would be good if more national members would pay their dues to receive full membership benefits – future event qualification quota will reflect on this by giving preference to riders from paid up members.
2013 budgets increased to reflect the 2012 result.
Accounts and budget will be emailed to the members.


Only submissions and nominations from members in good standing and the executive committee shall be accepted.

Every submission to be voted on requires a proposer and a seconder. If a submission fails to have either a proposer or seconder, it will not be further discussed.

All voting to be done by simple majority, in other words the option with the most votes wins, and abstentions are irrelevant.

For voting which is changing class rules or constitution, a 2/3rd majority constituted as above is necessary.

Members in good standing are entitled to nominate a proxy if they are not able to attend personally. Proxy forms may be requested via email from the IKA secretariat.


    VI.            Submissions

Adam Szymanski declares conflict of interest regarding votes for board and fin issues. Iain Hanney declares to have clear voting instructions from the countries he is representing and thus no conflict of interest.

(1)        Course Racing Equipment - Class Rule Changes as approved by ISAF as part of the “Formula Kite” Olympic Proposal, relating to material limitations (Executive Committee)

a)     Rigging

Proposed by MS and seconded by BDW
Friendly amendment to replace dynema/spectra with material specification or the phrase “or similar”
Vote: 25-0-0 (Yes/No/Abstentions)

b)   Board Weight

Proposed by MS, seconded by BDW
Vote: 24-0-1

c)    Kite Material

To avoid the use of exotic and expensive materials. For lines in addition safety issues (cutting lines).
Proposed by MS, seconded by BDW
Information should be send out to industry about how to change class rules and make proposals for new materials etc. Explicitly invite brands to future AGMs.
Vote: 22-0-3

(2)        Course Racing Equipment  - additional class rule changes (Executive Committee)

a)    Board weight – Grandfathering
Equipment that does not meet the minimum weight requirements of the current class rules shall apply a corrector weight, which shall be the difference between the weight the equipment is originally registered under, and the current minimum weight as required in D.1.3.
The corrector weight shall be placed in the place of the venting screw, or alternatively at the intersection of the length and width axis, on the hulls top surface

Reason: To remove the weight advantage of equipment registered prior to September 1st 2012 and does not need to be produced in high worldwide available numbers.

b)   Kite usage Limitations
To insert after class rule C.1.1.(b) the following new class rule C.1.1.(c) and renumber all others accordingly:
Not more than one production kite shall be registered per size range:
Large: Nominal Size of 15m or bigger
Medium: Nominal Size between 11m and 15m
Small: Nominal Size 11m or smaller

In the case that the class rules are amended to allow four kites to be registered at a regatta, add the following to the above proposal:
Safety (X-Small): Nominal Size 9m or smaller

Reason: To allow competitors to travel with one set quiver to competitions and avoid last minute gambling on the weather forecast. The three kite ranges above allow save and performant competition over a wind range of 6-25 knots, and an additional high wind kite may be allowed to be used in wind speeds exceeding 25 knots average. Recent competitions have proven that these weight ranges allow competitors of all sizes and weight to select a working quiver. The overlaps in the sizes allow for tactical considerations and different weight ranges. This new class rule also allows competitors to change sponsors and quivers in between competitions, while keeping entry costs into racing low with a set 3 kite quiver for the most common conditions.
Proposed by MS, seconded by AS
Vote: 22-2-1

(3)        Course Racing Equipment – Number of Kites (USA)
To change the maximum amount of registered kites at an IKA sanctioned event from three to four and change class rule C.1.1(b) as follows:
In course racing events not more than one production board and three four production kites shall be registered. When a board or kite has been lost or accidentally damaged beyond repair, a replacement may be made, only with the approval of the Race Committee.

Reason: The wind range at a sailing venue may be anywhere from <5 to 30< knots. Currently the practice has been to allow a fourth kite in wind averaging above 25 knots. The regatta organizers are obligated to raise a signal flag to indicate the option allowed for a safety kite. This puts undue pressure on the regatta organizer to make a safety determination. The current practice also limits a sailor from making a safety decision of his/her own.
Proposed by RD, seconded by IH
Vote: 24-1-0

(4)        Course Racing Equipment – Fin Limitations (Germany)
To discuss the introduction of limitations for hull appendages to control future cost development

Reason: Currently Fins are un-regulated. This might lead in the future to a cost explosion in this area. The purpose of this submission is to discuss possibilities to control costs and give manufacturers due time to adopt to any possibly future decision.
Working Party with manufacturers to discuss equipment control
Bruno (Chair), Robbie, Adam, Markus, Bas Edmonds, ISAF staff + ???

(5)        Course Racing Equipment  - Class Rules General (Executive Committee)
To change the current open class rules to closed class rules with the same content and update to current ISAF requirements.

Reason: ISAF has requested all classes to change from open to closed class rules as those are easier to administer and give competitors and manufacturers more guidance and safety on what is allowed within the class rules and what is not. It prevents that large FAQs develop to answer competitors and manufacturers questions.
Proposed by MS, seconded by BDW
Vote: 24-1-0

(6)        Class Rules – General (Executive Committee)
To split the class rules into individual parts separated by discipline.

Reason: The current class rules combine rules for all disciplines in one document, which makes them quite difficult to read. By separating the class rules into one section per discipline it becomes easier and more secure for competitors and manufacturers to comply with the class rules for the specific discipline and event. Especially with the development of new disciplines (like Foilboarding and Slalom) the current structure of the class rules would become more and more complicated.

Proposed by MS, seconded by BDW
Vote: 25-0-0

(7)        Waveriding Qualification System (Executive Committee)
To receive a proposal from the KSP regarding 2013 ff qualification process and quota and take a decision regarding the 2013 quota and qualification system.

The Executive Committee recommends to allow one wild card each for KSP and IKA for both men and women, and to discuss the number of pre-qualified riders from the 2012 tour, and the way the remaining places are qualified.
10 men prequalified, 2 local, 1 IKA and 1 KSP wildcards, 10 free available
5 women prequalified, 1 local, 1 IKA, 1 KSP wildcards, 4 free available
Stay with qualification system 2012
Vote: 20-0-5

(8)        Class Rules – New section for Foilboarding (Executive Committee)
To discuss and approve a new section for the class rules for foilboarding. The foilboarding class rules are identical with the currently open part of the class rules except C.7.1 which reads as follows:
The board appendage(s) shall have the ability to lift the hull completely out of the water when the board is moving forward. There are no restrictions in dimension.
The Executive Committee shall be empowered to finalize class rules with ISAF technical staff.

Reason: There are currently no class rules for foilboards. Development of this part of the sport is encouraged.
Proposed by OM, seconded by MS
ask ISAF advise for final wording and technical definition of the foil
Vote: 25-0-0

(9)        Race Management Policy Discussion – Fleet Racing – Abandon (Germany)
To discuss an addition to the race management policies:
“If there is a major tangle at the start or shortly after the start, the race committee shall abandon the race”

Reason: a major tangle occupies a lot of space, heavily affecting the race of the competitors behind the ones tangled, without fault of their own. At or shortly after the start, there are no established leaders, and no one else would be disadvantaged.

(10)     Course Racing – Standard Sailing Instructions – Penalty Turn (USA)
To create a safe and fair way to take a penalty turn. Change RRS 44.2 as follows:
“After getting well clear of other kiteboards as soon after the incident as possible, a kiteboard takes a 360°-Turn Penalty by promptly making a 360° turn with her hull in the water and with no requirement for a tack or a gybe including one completed tack and one completed gybe. Forward motion shall be established after each maneuver with the sailor on the correct side of the hull in normal sailing position. When a kiteboard takes the penalty at or near the finishing line, she shall sail completely to the course side of the line before finishing.

Reason: The current rendition of the 360 penalty turn does not require a tack or gybe. Without a tack or gybe the 360 turn is not a sufficient penalty for a breach of RRS Part 2.
Proposed by RD, seconded by MS
Vote: 25-0-0

(11)     Course Racing – Standard Sailing Instructions – Penalty Turn (Germany)
Rename RRS 44.2 to “720°-Turn Penalty” and change the rule as follows:
“After getting well clear of other kiteboards as soon after the incident as possible, a kiteboard takes a 360° 720°-Turn Penalty by promptly making a two 360° turns with her hull in the water and with no requirement for a tack or a gybe. When a kiteboard takes the penalty at or near the finishing line, she shall sail completely to the course side of the line before finishing

Reason: A 360 turn penalty can be executed too fast so that it does not provide a hard enough penalty. 2 complete turns make the penalty more appropriate.

(12)     Course Racing – Standard Sailing Instructions – Redress (Executive Committee)
To make the following amendment to the RRS thought the Standard Course Racing Sailing Instructions:

a)    Change 62.1.(e) to:  capsizing being tangled with another kiteboard because of the action of a kiteboard that was breaking a rule of Part 2.

b)   Make similar changes to the regulations in Addendum Q to “damage or injury”, allowing redress for a tangle as provided in new 62.1(e)

c)    Change RRS 14(b) to: “shall be exonerated if she breaks this rule and the contact does not cause damage, a tangle with the other kiteboard, or injury.”

Reason: many protests result not from the desire to disqualify another competitors but due to the possibility to get redress. It is felt that a tangle is quite similar in its effect to damage to a sailboat, and thus redress should be granted in such cases, but not for a simple capsize.
Adding tangle to the options for redress in Addendum Q would address concerns about tangle in knock out competitions run under addendum Q.
Details should be discussed with the ISAF Racing Rules Working Party.
Do a Q&A for “tangle”. Clarification that “looking for trouble” is a reason for a rule 69 hearing
Proposed by MS, seconded by RD
Vote: 23-2-0

(13)     Course Racing – Championship Rules (USA)
To eliminate the requirement for all kiteboard course racing starts to be administered under Rule 30.3. and therefore delete Item 5(a) “Recalls” of the Course Racing Championship Rules accordingly.

Reason: Black Flag Rule 30.3 requires automatic disqualification of a sailor who is on the course side of the line at the starting signal. Automatic disqualification of a sailor for an OCS start limits the sailor from restarting and salvaging a few points in accordance with Rule 29.1 or 30.1. Due to the severity of the rule the fleet will tend to start the race with a lower performance and more conservative approach.

(14)     Course Racing – Championship Rules (Germany)
To recommend the use of code flag “U” as standard starting penalty

Reason: Code Flag “U” will be included in standard ISAF sailing instructions. “U” is a “soft black flag”. Rule 30.3 applies at “U-Flag” starts, but in case of a general recall, over-earlies are deleted and everybody has a new starting attempt. If individual sailors can be identified and there is no general recall, these sailors are still “black flagged”.
Proposed by BDW, seconded by RD, with the following amendment:
change 5(a) to RECOMMEND use of U-flag

Vote: 24-1-0

(15)     Course Racing – Championship Rules (USA)
To eliminate the requirement for first place finishes to be scored as .7 points, rather than 1 point and therefore change Item 6(a) “Scoring and Discards” to “Scoring shall be in accordance with Appendix F (former BB)”

Reason: Scoring first place finishes with a .3 point incentive is not necessary. For the sailor it makes calculating the scores on the water more difficult, especially if there are multiple race wins. This scoring incentive was not used at the 2012 World Championship.
Proposed by RD, seconded by MS
Vote: 19-5-1

(16)     Format Discussion – Fleet Racing / Short Track (Executive Committee)
To update the members about developments in course racing disciplines and a possible future split between Fleet Racing and Short Track Course Racing.
Short Track has been developed from the findings of the 2012 Santander Olympic Format Trials and have been approved by ISAF as possible future Olympic Format (once kiteboarding would be selected).
Currently Short Track is used as addition to the standard fleet racing as medal race series format. Past and future major events are used to finetune the short track racing and scoring format.
Currently Short Track is only used for the top ten, and the development for the medal race series scoring is a triple repechage, with each round run as a best of three format:

(17)     Discussion of course and format recommendations of IKA Championship Rules - Course Racing (USA)
Discussed together with (16)
Current format recommendations are based on findings from ISAF Santander Format trials. They have been refined from event to event. Many other classes are challenged to develop new formats as well. ISAF requires high performance classes to develop towards a winner takes all final.
Decision: to include format RECOMMENDATIONS for courses and scoring systems in the championship rules. Encourage development and testing.

(18)     Discussion regarding target times and time limits - Section 1.b of IKA Championship Rules  - Course Racing (USA)
IKA representative shall be present at all IKA championships events and ensure target times and other championship rules recommendations are upheld. If there is a good reason for variation it needs to be communicated to the riders by the class rep.

(19)     IKA recommended training scheme (Norway and Denmark)
To discuss and take decision on the following proposal:
Norway and Denmark would like to propose the establishment of an IKA approved training scheme for new kite surfers and an IKA approved training for instructors.
In Denmark and Norway, we have already established an education that is used by national MNA's as part of their educational program. The Education is now a "Nordic standard" and is an important tool in the cooperation between kite associations and the national MNA's.
We suggest that educational material we have developed over several years, is used as the basis for the above proposal.
Support in principle
Working party: Mirco (Chair), Tom, Gil, Richard, Stephane, Sam, Gunnar, Markus to develop a strategy with ISAF to deploy an IKA recommended/approved training standard.

(20)     Slalom – Rules, Rankings, World Titles (Executive Committee)
To receive an update on planned events, rules development and take a decision on awarding ranking points and world titles

Reason: The IKA has offered the PKRA to run Slalom as low wind discipline in exchange to the higher demands of ISAF to the racing discipline. There are no details known yet that allow the IKA to decide on how to award world titles, and how to name events.
Run slalom world title as a tour within the PKRA, with current IKA slalom rules and minimum one IKA appointed slalom specialist (jury) attending slalom events.

(21)     Airstyle (Executive Committee)
To receive a report and discuss options for an “Airstyle” type of competition/discipline.
Commitment of tour operator missing, but great interest.

(22)     Freestyle Rules Update (Executive Committee)
To receive an update from the PKRA on Freestyle Rules and Judging Criteria for approval
The updated PKRA judging criteria will be published soon and included in the IKA freestyle championship rules.

(23)     Course Racing – 2014 Equipment Registration Deadlines and minimum production numbers (Executive Committee)
To discuss the registration and eligibility deadlines and minimum production numbers for the next equipment registration cycle (2014).
Discuss with industry to move publishing date of new equipment list to 1. June latest publishing – industry can chose publication date of new equipment to be between the time the equipment is registered with IKA and 1. June.

(24)     Constitution Development (Executive Committee)
To receive an update on the current constitution and associated issues from the Executive Committee, to decide on future policy and authorize the Executive Committee to draft required constitution changes and take all necessary steps to implement them.

Reason: The IKA has grown over the past years to a size that require changes in structure, e.g. a split between executive and non executive / supervisory board, own accounting / cash flow management etc. The Executive wishes to discuss the various options and consequences and seek guidance on policy by the members.
Deferred. Executive Committee is seeking legal advise for the most effective financial and legal construction.

(25)     Constitution Change (Executive Committee)
To change the current constitution clause 6.b.iv to read as follows:
35% 25% of the full members shall form a quorum (including Executive Committee members, proxy and postal votes).

Reason: With more and more members of the association it becomes more difficult to form a quorum, and a reduction in percentage reflects this to ensure that future AGMs do not lack legibility due to low participation.
Proposed by RG, seconded by MS
friendly amended to 25%
Vote: 23-2-0

(26)     Hall of Fame (Executive Committee)
To introduce a “Kiteboarding Hall of Fame” to reward the best riders in each discipline of the year.
In some disciplines, there is a difference between the world champion title and the “winner” of the yearly world ranking.
A “Hall of Fame” as known from other sports would achieve a long-term reward for the riders that supported the discipline over the year.
“Hall of Fame” membership would be automatically granted to every male and female rider who is on top of the world rankings at the end of the year (or as defined per discipline).
The “Hall of Fame” could be introduced either for the 2012 season, or retrospectively since the beginning of the IKA with the 2009 season.
Working party Richard (Chair), Robbie, Gil to define criteria and beginning of Hall and Fame, then introduction.

(27)     Equipment Registration System non-racing disciplines (Executive Committee)
To discuss options for a future equipment registration system to be included in the future class rules for the non-racing disciplines for later approval
Deferred. Not felt to be appropriate at the moment.

(28)     Snowkiting – WISSA (Executive Committee)
To receive an update on the development of a cooperation between IKA and WISSA and take decision on further action.
Working Party to implement – get all organizers and associations together and develop implementation plan. Consolidate all existing tours and organizers into one ranking and championship.
Stephane (Chair), Remy, Bruno, Marco, Richard

  VII.            Elections
Two seats on the Executive Committee become vacant.
Nominations received are:

(1)    Markus Schwendtner, GER – Executive Secretary

(2)    Mirco Babini, ITA – Treasurer

Voted on block by show of hands: 23-0-2

VIII.            Any Other Business
TT Racing class as pathway class and crossover
MS: There is a need for a pathway class for emerging nations. Will be discussed further. If there is the demand according to regulations a class could be established
Point Ranking System
RD: Put Point System into Championship rules. Recommend Point cap for high point events


The meeting was closed at 15:30 hours.