Meetings and Governance News

Invitation 2014 Class AGM

This is to give notice under clause 8.9 of the IKA constitution, that the 2014 IKA class Annual General Meeting will be held on November 4, 2014, from 09:30 till 16:00 hours. 
The meeting will be held in Palma de Mallorca, Melia Palas Atenea Hotel, with the exact meeting room to be published.

The agenda of the Class AGM will comprise of

a) Previous Minutes
b) Chairmans Report
c) Executive Secretary's Report
d) Financial Statement
e) Any other matters including Class Rules
f) Elections
g) Any other business

The deadline for submissions and nominations for elections is October 17,2014, 12:00 UTC. A complete agenda with all submissions to be voted on will be published 2 weeks before the AGM.

Only members in good standing (i.e. having paid their membership fee) are entitled to make submissions, nominations and vote at the AGM !

Rules of procedure:

All submissions shall state their purpose and or objective.

If the submission proposes a change to existing Class Rules, Championship Rules or other regulations, please insert the current version in the proposal, highlighting new wording as bold and underlined, and text to be deleted as double struck through.

Every submission to be voted on requires a proposer and a seconder. If a submission fails to have either a proposer or seconder, it will not be further discussed.

Nominations for elections must be made in accordance with the constitution.

All voting by show off hands to be done by simple majority, in other words the option with the most votes wins, and abstentions are irrelevant.

For voting which is changing class rules or constitution, a 2/3rd majority constituted as above is necessary.

Elections are to be made by a secret ballot following ISAF election procedures.

Members in good standing are entitled to nominate a proxy if they are not able to attend personally. Proxy forms may be requested via email from the IKA secretariat.

Please note that due to limited room capacities registration is required for attendance in the AGM. Observers are welcome to attend but are limited to free space in the meeting room.

To register, either as delegate for your National Class Association or as Observer, please send an email to the IKA office until October 17, 2014, 12:00 UTC latest including your name and position.

Observers will thereafter notified about attendance possibilities.