Meetings and Governance News

Agenda for the 2014 IKA class AGM

2014 IKA Annual General Meeting


       I.          Welcome and Apologies

     II.          Previous Minutes
The 2013 AGM minutes have been published on the IKA website.

    III.          Chairman's Report

   IV.          Executive Secretary’s Report

     V.          Financial Statement


Only submissions and nominations from members in good standing and the executive committee shall be accepted.

Every submission to be voted on requires a proposer and a seconder. If a submission fails to have either a proposer or seconder, it will not be further discussed.

All voting to be done by simple majority, in other words the option with the most votes wins, and abstentions are irrelevant.

For voting which is changing class rules or constitution, a 2/3rd majority constituted as above is necessary.

Any elections will be held in a secret ballot except by unanimous acclamation.

Members in good standing are entitled to nominate a proxy if they are not able to attend personally. Proxy forms may be requested via email from the IKA secretariat.

   VI.          Submissions

(1)   Formula Kite Fleet Racing Championship Rules – Windlimit (AKA)

Purpose or Objective
1. To encourage MNAs and event organizers to select venues that will guarantee full completion of racing scheduled.
2. To ensure safety of competitors by limiting the potential of capsize.
3. To encourage less skilled/new sailors to attend events by limiting trivial racing conditions.


Amend 1.c.i. to read as follows:
If the wind speed is less than 8 knots average in the starting area between the preparatory signaland the starting signal the start shall be postponed. If the wind speed drops below 6 knots at any time during the first leg of the race, the race shall be abandoned. In both cases a new starting sequence will be initiated as soon as practicable and when the windspeed is to the required minimums.

Competitors at a local level are significantly challenged to race in low wind. Furthermore many of these sailors have difficulty even leaving the beach in 6 knots because of the “beach bubble” technically known as local convection. This discourages local participation and limits newcomers from being able to compete.

(2)   Formula Kite Fleet Racing Championship Rules and International IKA Formula Kite Class Rules – Kite Size Categories (AKA)

Purpose or Objective
To account for the changes in equipment as brought on by parafoil kites.

To change Championship Rules 2.a.i and Class Rules Section C.1.1.b to read as follows:
For safety purposes every competitor must have one kite 9m or smaller and one kite 15m or larger.

The reemergence of parafoil kites has presented some challenges to the current kite size categories. Due to the fact that the “power “of a foil kite is much different than a LEI kite the current categories are flawed. Additionally, a more open kite allowance may provide competitors of different body types to be able to sail safely in a wider range of wind conditions, based on forecast.

(3)   “KiteFoil” fleet and ISAF status (AKA)

Purpose or Objective
1. To preserve the developmental nature of the “KiteFoil” fleet.
2. To allow for current fleet issues and challenges to be solved before the fleet comes underthe scrutiny of the ISAF.

The AKA proposes that the “KiteFoil” fleet not apply for ISAF class recognition for the 2015 season.

The “KiteFoil" competitors have widely intimated a sentiment that they would like to maintain autonomy separate of ISAF and the Olympic Games.

(4)   “KiteFoil” Fleet Committee formation (AKA)

Purpose or objective
To establish proper representation for the “KiteFoil” fleet and for the interests of its sailors.

A formation of a five person committee to establish “KiteFoil” fleet objectives, recommend event venues, prioritize daily operations as serviced by IKA, formulate championship and equipment rules when needed.

The “KiteFoil” fleet has interests that have not been properly maintained thus far. There have been three international regattas with IKA fees paid in full yet the website has not been updated, rankings were late to be updated if ever, and one event was cancelled completely. “KiteFoil” competitors have expressed their feeling of underrepresentation within the IKA.

(5)   International IKA Formula Kite Class Rules (AKA) - see supporting paper

Purpose or Objective
To limit cost of Formula Class fin prices and development.

Add to Class Rules new section C.8.3:
Fins shall be made of fiberglass or “G10” material. No carbon or exotic materials may be used.
The Technical Committee and/or Event Measurer shall determine the composition of the material used and its compliance.

Molded carbon and exotic materials have become more prolific in kiteboard manufacturing. It is clear that these materials provide improved performance. Fin materials should be limited to what is currently being used so that we may maintain a relatively inexpensive materials and manufacturing cost.

(6)   Formula Kite Equipment – Class Rules (PKA)

Purpose or Objective
White Board Concept (WBC) for all. Change to majority of Class Rules White Board Concept for a kite-board, kites and fins shall be implemented from 1st April 2016.

a. Manufactures shall produce module kite-board, kites and fins under IKA license. The modules shall be presented by the IKA till 1st July 2015.
b. No other boards, kites and fins than the IKA WBC shall compete in the ranked IKA Formula Kite events after 1st April 2016.

The Formula Kite is losing its attractiveness for riders, sponsors, manufacturers and spectators. Appearance of ram air kites and better performing hydrofoils caused significant decrease in attendance at IKA events (Worlds 2012- 195 riders, 2013 – 128 riders, 2014 – 80; North Americas 2013 – 75 riders, 2014 – 13 riders). The Formula Kite can be saved only by radical moves. With the present box rules we may disappear from the sailing world soon. The chance to become attractive again for manufacturers and sponsors, as well as fair and available for competitors, is to introduce “a white board concept” for the entire equipment. All riders would compete on the same gear but made by different manufactures. It is an improved version of the monotype without its drawbacks. The competitiveness among manufacturers would ensure decent quality, improve availability and reasonable prices. One board, three or four kites, one set of fins. IKA would decide what equipment to choose for a template (module). A kite size range should be limited to odd size values (19/17/15/13/11/9/7m) to keep the cost of the production line on reasonable financial level. The fins should be produced in 3 sizes to ensure the comfort of the competitors with different weight. The equipment would be identical, but would possess a logo of the manufacturer. A competitor would chose her/his kite quiver for entire season. The WBC gives the chance to create a long living and popular class of course racing with kites. Let the foilboarding to be a scene of the latest and unrestricted developments. Once every Olympic period we would use their experience to improve our WBC. Formula Kite riders would not need to change equipment every year to be competitive what may significantly reduce their costs. Introduction of the WBC will not endanger the top riders – they will be still on the top but close chased by a silver fleet on the same gear. Let’s to win the best athlete instead the one with the best gear.

(7)   Formula Kite Equipment – Class Rules. Fins. (vote each point separately) (PKA)

a. Change to C.1.1.(a).
Not more than one production hull, four production kites and two fins one fin per fin box (if so prescribed by the Notice of Race) shall be registered for an event.
b. Add C.8.3. A fin shall be made out of semitransparent glass/epoxy laminate
c. Add C.8.4. (if Submission PL01 approved) Fins shall be available in various sizes but only one size per fin box shall be declared to be used during a calendar year.

last years have proved we can perform well on one set of fins made of G10 or G11. Two sets of carbon expensive fins give an advantage to sponsored riders. Reduction to one set would make the class available for more riders who would compete on a comparable gear.

(8)   Formula Kite Equipment – Class Rules. Safety assumptions. (PKA)

Add G.1.4.
After 1st of January 2015 any registered kite after falling into water shall ensure:
a. a safe buoyancy for a competitor. The volume of the inflatable tubes shall be not less than 50ltrs.
b. An improved detection. Not damaged main tube and minimum three struts shall clearly keep the trailing edge of a kite over the surface in the calm water and wind conditions.

The ram air kites demolished the inflatable kites in a matter of performance within this season. However, there is a price for it that is safety. On many occasions the ram air kites couldn’t provide safety for competitors once they fell in the water. Couple of events proved ram air kites become a nightmare for many riders and rescue teams. Visual detection of ram air kites is restricted comparing to inflatable ones. During one event of the Polish Cup with light winds we had serious problems to locate the capsized competitors of ram air kites who were just less than a kilometer from the beach. At the same time inflatable kite competitors were easily visible from the double distance. Training on the ram air kites might be extreme, especially in light wind and strong currents areas. We consider them as unsafe for riding without an assistance.

(9)   Formula Kite Equipment – Class Rules. Number of kites (PKA)

Change to C.1.1.(a) (if Submission PL01 approved).
Not more than three kites shall be used by a competitor who specifies kite sizes to be used by her/him during her/ his first sanctioned IKA event after 1st April 2016. Her/his choice remains valid for a calendar year.

There are many riders from a middle of the fleet who have competed with only 3 kites since beginning of the kite racing. They do not complain about safety issues with their quiver. Three kites were maximum amount allowed till 2013. Moreover – four kites give a handicap for light weight riders in light wind conditions. However they do not give any handicap for the heavier riders. Three kites quiver would add a handicap for heavy riders in strong winds. It seems to be fair for all. Using four kite quiver will restrict the Formula Kite only for riders below 75kg. Four kite idea was breached by some riders who came for a two, three day event with 5-6 kites and registered their kites matching weather forecast. It is not a fair play. We propose to implement declaration system for kite sizes to be used during one calendar year. It would enforce competitors to compete and train on the same quiver for the entire season.

(10)    Formula Kite Equipment – Class Rules. Number of kites (PKA) (if Submission PL01 approved but Submission PL04A not accepted)

Change to C.1.1.(a)
Not more than four kites shall be used by a competitor who specifies kite sizes to be used by her/him during her/his first sanctioned IKA event. His choice remains valid for a calendar year.

if three kites idea fails we would like still implement a kite sizes declaration system.

(11)    Formula Kite Events – Fees (PKA)

A competitor entry fee of all IKA events shall not be higher than an equivalent of 20€ per a day of the event. A competitor’s team member fee shall not be higher than 2/3 of the competitor fee. A competitor late fee shall not be higher than 50% of the entry fee.

fees are too high. In some cases reached 300€ for a late fee. The competitor should not be treated as a source of income. This really decreases amount of competing riders. IKA should secure contracts with organizers with the proposed limits. There were around 20 riders in Poland who were interested to compete during last Europeans. Most of them gave up seeing a 180€ fee. It might be even more restricting for riders from Asia and Africa. We want to be attractive for more riders.

(12)    Rankings Formula Kite RAM-LEI (GKA)

To introduce a separate category for LEI and overall (similar to production/custom rankings in the beginning) as an entry level to kiteracing and to give the riders on LEI kites an incentive to compete and a separate podium (mainly newcomers and “bronze fleet” riders). This may be combined with a higher wind limit for LEI kites, i.e. 8 knots. This may develop into separate classes (which can race together though).

Availability and manufacturers of RAM kites are limited, and we want to be inclusive and make it possible for all brands to be involved and compete. The LEI ranking could be also open to non-production boards (for discussion) to build a broader base for participation on entry level.
We do not want to limit the high performance aspect of the sport and that means RAM kites, but we need to grow the grass roots and that means easier entry with normal LEI kites for the bigger masses, and RAM kites for the top-end.

(13)    International IKA Formula Kite Class Rules (GKA)

Purpose or Objective
Limiting cost development of fins in Formula Kite.

Proposal 1
Add to Class Rules new section C.8.3:
Fins shall be made of semitransparent glass/epoxy laminate (“G10” / ”G11” or generic products)

Proposal 2
To amend the class rules so that from the 2016 equipment eligibility date only registered production fins shall be used.
Include fin registration scheme in the current equipment registration paperwork free of charge to allow for a transition period.

Development in Windsurfing has shown that moulded carbon fins in the high end range may become very expensive. Furthermore, moulded carbon fins are virtually impossible to measure. A registration scheme for G10/G11 can be easily administered and enforced to control cost development.

(14)    Event Registration Policy (GKA)

Purpose or Objective:
To grow participation in international events.

Proposal 1:
Amend the Formula Kite event quota and entry system as follow:
Entry is granted to 50 men / 20 women (continental) and 60 men / 30 women (worlds) based on a first come-first serve principle that allows sailors to make travel arrangements immediately after registration. Registration must be accompanied by immediate payment of the entry fee to secure participation. Additional places are granted to the top 10 men / top 10 women (from the continent) respectively top 20 men / top 10 women (worlds) until one month before the event. Places not used by these top riders become publically available up to a total quota of 60/30 (continentals) and 80/40 (worlds).

Proposal 2:
Limit event entry fees to 40 Euro per racing day with the following provision: Registration (and payment) made up to 1 month before the event (see proposal 1) receive a 25 % discount (“early bird”).
This effectively (together with the new registration proposal) limits the entry fees to 150 Euro for a typical continental and world championship, and 120 Euro for a typical 4 day foilboard (or e.g. KTE) event.

The entry system currently used resulted in lower participation as starting places were only confirmed shortly before an event. Both proposals follows a discussion with the riders at the 2014 Europeans.

(15)    Event Selection Policy (GKA)

Only events with proper race management and jury infrastructure as well as sailor benefits (food, prize money etc) shall be selected for major events (continentals and worlds).

The sport side as well as the sailors benefits should not be compromised in order to maximize the number of events. Feedback from the sailors is that they prefer rather less but bigger and better events.

  VII.          Elections
no positions are currently vacant.

VIII.          Any Other Business

a)   Policy discussion – separate youth and masters events in racing, or combined with the open events

b)   PKRA development

c)    Policy discussion – world titles (disciplines and overall world title yes/no ?)

d)   Registered Equipment Slalom (Kites and/or boards – foilkites/tubekites ?)

e)   Class Separated Sub-AGMs

f)    Parafoil kites and the implications of their usage on the international tours (if not covered elsewhere)

g)   Formula Kite Registration cycle 2016 – Sailing World Cup Grand Final

h)   Scoring time limit "TLE" sailors vs. DNC, DNS, or DNF sailors

i)     Participation levels at all international events

j)     Update of championship rules and Standard NoR/Sis

k)   Sailing World Cup Grand Final Contribution