Meetings and Governance News

2016 IKA Classes AGM – Final Agenda, Submissions and Nominations

The 2016 AGM of the International Kiteboarding Association for the classes IKA Open, IKA Formula Kite, IKA TTR, IKA TTF and IKA KiteFoil will be held on January 14th, 2017, in Brussels.

The deadline for submissions and nominations to be discussed at the AGM ended on Saturday 10 December 2016, 12:00 hours UTC.

Date: Saturday, 14th January 2017
Place: "Literair Salon" at conference center "Muntpunt", Munt 6, 1000 Brussels.
Arrival and Registration: 13:00
Starting time: 13:30

Below you can find the submissions and nominations received which will help you to prepare for the AGM.

1. Welcome by the President of the IKA
2. Approval of the Minutes of the last meeting
3. Reports
      a. President
      b. Executive Secretary
      c. Financial Statement
4. Elections
5. Submissions
6. Any Other Business

Nominations for Elections as Vice-President (in alphabetic order)
Robert DEAN (USA)

Nominations for Elections as Executive Secretary (in alphabetic order)
Alexandra LOCKIE (AUS)

Submissions (order may be changed during the meeting)

Nr. Submitter Title Subtitle  Link
01-16 Executive Committee Constitution To establish Athletes Commissions, update Grammar and typography, clarify types of membership, division of responsibilities to improve transparency. VIEW
02-16 ABK Constitution   VIEW
03-16 Executive Committee Formula Kite Class Rules Amendments due to selection for Regional Games and possibly OG VIEW
  Supporting Paper to Submission 03-16 VIEW
04-16 Executive Committee TT:R Class Rules Amendments due to selection as Youth Olympic Games Class VIEW
  Supporting Paper to Submission 04-16 VIEW


Every submission to be voted on requires a proposer and a seconder. If a submission fails to have either a proposer or seconder, it will not be further discussed.

All voting to be done by simple majority, in other words the option with the most votes wins, and abstentions are irrelevant.

For voting which is changing class rules or constitution, a 2/3rd majority constituted as above is necessary.

Any elections will be held in a secret ballot except by unanimous acclamation.

Only full members in good standing are entitled to vote or nominate a proxy if they are not able to attend personally.

Those not appointed as a national delegate may attend as an observer but will not be able to speak unless invited to do so by the president.