Meetings and Governance News

Notice of the 2019 General Assembly of the International Kiteboarding Association

This is to give notice that the 2019 General Assembly of the International Kiteboarding Association will be held on Saturday 8th of February 2020, via videoconferencing.

The Executive Committee decided to hold the General Assembly via videoconferencing, because class related matters like class rule changes are now discussed and decided during the class specific AGMs (usually held during the class World Championship), and the main agenda items of the General Assembly will be purely reporting. Also, videoconferencing is a good way to give a greater number of members the opportunity to receive updates and engage in the discussion about the future of our sport.

The date beginning of the year has been chosen to give National Class Associations enough time to make submissions based on the outcome of the World Sailing Annual Conference ending in November 2019, where important decisions for the future of our sport have been made including the inclusion of kiteboarding in the 2024 Olympic Games, 2022 Youth Olympic Games, and 2021 World Sailing Youth World Championships.

Date: Saturday, 8th of February 2020
Location: online via videoconferencing. Either Zoom or BlueJeans will be used.
Starting time: 11:00 UTC


1. Welcome by the President of the IKA
2. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising
3. Reports
      a. President
      b. Secretary General
      c. Financials
4. Submissions
5. Future Events
6. Elections
    The new position of "Vice President Training and Development" is to be elected.
    Candidates will be invited for a presentation during the General Assembly, and voting will be conducted
    by electronic means following the General Assembly
7. Any Other Business


Those IKA Full Members in good standing (National Class Associations having paid their annual 2019 subscription fee by 1 March 2019 latest) wishing to make a submission for consideration by the IKA General Assembly shall do so by filling the submission template and sending it by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before 1200hrs UTC on 4th of January 2020 (five calendar weeks before the AGM).
Click: This submission template including instructions therein shall be used.

Nominations for the position of Vice President Training and Development
Those IKA Full Members in good standing (National Class Associations having paid their annual 2019 subscription fee by 1 March 2019 latest) wishing to make a nomination for consideration by the IKA General Assembly shall do so by filling the nomination template and sending it together with a letter of recommendation and a CV of the nominee by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before 1200hrs UTC on 4th of January 2020 (five calendar weeks before the AGM).
Click: This nomination template including instructions therein shall be used.

Delegate Appointment or Proxy Nominations
IKA Full Members in good standing (National Class Associations having paid their annual 2019 subscription fee by 1 March 2019 latest) shall confirm their appointed delegate or nominated proxy for the General Assembly by the President or Secretary of the represented NCA and authorize that person to vote on any submission on their behalf.
Said authorization shall be received by email sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before 1200hrs UTC on 1st of February 2020.
Delegates will then be provided with access codes for the videoconferencing system.
Click: This Delegate Registration form or
Click: This Proxy nomination form shall be used.

Those not appointed as a national delegate may attend as an observer but will not be able to speak unless invited to do so by the president.
Observers registrations shall be received by email to the IKA office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before 1200hrs UTC on 1st of February 2020 using (click) this Observer Registration Form
Observers will then be provided with access codes for the videoconferencing system.

Only registered delegates and observers will be able to access the videoconferencing system.

Be prepared
Delegates are urged to take time to read the agenda and the submissions in advance and come prepared.
Here is the link to the 2018 AGM Minutes: