Meetings and Governance News

2020 Formula Kite AGM Minutes

The 2020 Annual General Meeting of the International Formula Kite Class was held on 15 November 2020 via Cisco Webex videoconferencing.

Class Vice-President Spyros Krotsis opened the meeting at 16:00 UTC and welcomed the attendees. 22 votes were represented.


1. Welcome and roll call
2. Minutes of the previous meeting
3. Class Report
4. Class Rule submissions

01-20 1 Executive Committee Housekeeping changes approved  
  2     approved  
  3     approved  
  4     approved  
  5     approved  
  6     approved  
  7     approved  
  8     approved  
  9     approved  
  10     approved  
  11     approved  
02-20   Executive Committee Registration process for the 2024-2028 quadrennium approved  
03-20   Executive Committee Eligibility of old equipment for national and youth events approved  
04-20   Executive Committee Hook knives and where to wear them approved  
05-20   Executive Committee Allowed actions on hull appendages approved  
06-20   Executive Committee Bridle materials approved  
07-20   Executive Committee Commerically available bridle systems approved  
08-20 1 Executive Committee Remove LEI kites, allowed materials for RAM-Air kites approved  
  2     approved  
  3     rejected  
09-20   Executive Committee Move kite leash from mandatory to optional approved  

5. Future Events
    Full members are encouraged to add their nationals events, especially for the Olympic Formula Kite class, to the calendar to receive World Ranking Points. This can be   
    done online at
    Future major events like World and European Championships may require a minimum of ranking points to enter the events.
    The Formula Kite Individual rankings are now on a rolling base of the last 24 months. Each competitors best 3 results count.
    The Formula Kite Mixed Team Relay rankings are calculated by World Sailing. An update is expected in March 2021.

6. Election of the Class Vice President
    There are no elections scheduled in 2020
7. Any Other Business
    The new A’s Youth Foil Class website is now online at The website includes the full list of eligible equipment items, retail prices and information for
    NCAs and MNAs on how to order equipment at reduced prices.

There being no further business, Vice-President Spyros Krotsis closed the meeting at 1830 UTC

A full recording of the meeting can be found here:

A pdf of the full minutes can be downloaded here.