Meetings and Governance News

2020 IKA General Assembly Minutes

The 2020 General Assembly of the International Kiteboarding Association was held on 09 January 2020 via Cisco Webex videoconferencing.

IKA President Mirco Babini opened the meeting at 10:00 UTC and welcomed the attendees. 42 votes were represented (41 votes for election purposes).


1. Welcome and roll call
2. Minutes of the previous meeting
3. Reports
4. Submissions

01-20   Executive Committee  Constitution: Add Youth Foil Class  approved  
02-20   Executive Committee  Constitution: Change Vice President "TT:R to Vice President "Youth Racing"  approved  
03-20   Executive Committee  Constitution: Consequential change to the composition of the Technical Committee if 02-20 is approved  approved  
04-20   Executive Committee  Constitution: Election of the Chairperson of the Technical Committee  approved  
05-20   Executive Committee  Resolution: Clarification of membership  approved  

5. Future Events
6. Election of the Class Secretary General
Screenshot 99

7. Any Other Business
    The new A’s Youth Foil Class website is now online at The website includes the full list of eligible equipment items, retail prices
    and information for NCAs and MNAs on how to order equipment at reduced prices

There being no further business, IKA President Mirco Babini closed the meeting at 1130 UTC

A full recording of the meeting can be found here:

A pdf of the full minutes can be downloaded here.