Meetings and Governance News

Minutes 2009 Annual General Meeting

AGM of the International Kiteboarding Association

Paris, 5th of December 2009


In absence of the class Chairman, Executive Secretary Markus Schwendtner opened the meeting at 10:30.

Topic 1: Welcome and Apologies

Apologies from Christian Conrad and Katja Roose.  Due to workload they were not able to attend the meeting and are resigning their seats on the Executive Committee.
Markus Schwendtner thanked  them  both for their work and commitment towards the development of the class.

16 votes were represented, including proxies, and the meeting was quorate.

Topic 2: Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the previous special AGM had been posted on the class website and were unanimously approved

Topic 3: Chairmans / Executive Secretaries report

Markus Schwendtner started his report with the situation between the class and the professional tour operators, KPWT and PKRA.  Due to continued breach of the sanctioning agreement between KPWT and IKA, the agreement had to be terminated on October 7th, and no further KPWT events were counted for the rankings.
The cooperation with the PKRA is working very well, several working parties (judging, rules) have been founded and make very good progress.
In the meantime, KPWT has started a new “International Kiteboard Federation”. This organization is in clear conflict with IKA and ISAF, and IKA will request ISAF to impose regulation 19 (loss of starting eligibility) on any competitors taking part in IKF/KPWT events or events of their affiliates. All parties involved (industry, media, sponsors, national associations) need to be informed.

The Executive Secretary then gave an overview of the daily work process of his office; 4-5 hours per day are the minimum necessary to facilitate IKA business.

The point system for the discipline and overall world rankings has been amended. It is now based on a clear and transparent structure to ensure the rankings are as fair as possible.  Further small amendments may be necessary as a result of the AGM  decisions.(see separate topic)

Several submissions were made to ISAF this year, with the main objective to bring the term ‘kiteboarding’ into relevant ISAF regulations. Submissions were made to transform the “Windsurfing Committee” to “Windsurfing and Kiteboarding Committee”, also submissions have been made to include kiteboarding in all regulations regarding requirements for world championships, class status etc. A new regulation has been introduced to regulate advertising on the kiteboards (event stickers etc). All submissions have been approved by ISAF council

ISAF regulation 26 deals with requirements to become an ISAF class and includes the need for a “class agreement”. Main part of this agreement is a financial commitment to ISAF; some amendments need to be made before this agreement can be signed.

We have, currently, 18 national association members of the IKA: France, Italy, Netherlands, Argentina, Belgium, Brasil, Spain, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Moldavia, Morocco, Portugal, Slovenija, Suisse, Ukraine and Mexico. Negotiations with another 13 national associations are close to being finalized; the expectation is  30 member nations at the end of 2010.

The first IKA sanctioned continental tour - Kite Tour Asia. We have prepared a European Freestyle tour, declaring a European Freestyle Champion, from 2010, organized by Brand Guides.

In February 2010 the first ever  Kite Race Management Seminar will be held in Ghent, Belgium. It  includes general event organization for all disciplines, but the main focus is on Kite Racing.

We have had our first racing championships in 2009, the Europeans in Douarnenez and the Worlds in San Francisco. What became clear, very quickly, was that the “style” of race management and the experience level of the race committees varies greatly, which results in problems for the riders. National events and tour events need to follow the international rules.

The Chairman of the ISAF Windsurfing and Kiteboarding Committee reported on the development of Kiteboard Racing during the ISAF conference. The rules are currently under a fine-tuning process by a group consisting of national representatives and riders. We are allowed by ISAF to change our “experimental”  rules every time we feel necessary.

The Judging Committee, consisting of national association representatives and riders, has started to discuss several issues, including the development of the disciplines as well as methods to allow for more fair and transparent judging.

A brochure was distributed at this years ISAF Conference promoting the idea of Olympic kiteboarding. There is a lot of work to do to achieve this goal already for 2016.

Topic 4: Financial Statement

2008 expenses include participation in the 2008 ISAF Meeting in Madrid, and the ISAF class application fee.

2009 expenses mainly consist of meetings (Dusseldorf and meetings with ISAF/WSSRC as well as preparation of events). Accessories include Stickers and Flags. Class Rep costs include travel expenses for class representatives sent to events (not wages !) Publications include Olympic Brochure distributed at 2009 ISAF AGM.

Income consists of Sanctioning Fees received and membership fees. KPWT has not paid any fees nor class representatives expenses.

Final expenses and income need to be verified by our accountants, the IWA, updated and distributed to the members at the end of the year. Currently the expenses are  8800 Euro and the income  12600 Euro, excluding costs for IWA in 2009 and this 2009 AGM.

The 2010 budget was presented, including expenses for ISAF class and builders fees, expenses for meetings and publications, and class management services. The 2010 income will cover these expenses through sanctioning and membership fees.

Both 2009 accounts and 2010 budget were unanimously approved.

Topic 5: Elections

Richard Gowers (GBR) was nominated for chair and received a vote of 14 yes – 0 no – 2 abstentions

Alberto Anido (ARG)  was nominated for executive committee and received a vote of 16 yes – 0 no – 0 abstentions

Bruno De Wannemaeker (BEL) was nominated for executive committee and received a vote of 15 yes – 0 no – 1 abstention

All nominees accepted their election, and Richard Gowers  chaired the remainder of the meeting.

Topic 6 a) Change of constitution to become a national class association

A friendly amendment was accepted to the original proposal.

Add to constitution 4. a): The IKA executive committee might require additional proof of legitimation for a national class association in that respective country.

Vote: 16 yes – 0 no – 0 abstentions

Topic 6 b) Change of Constitution: Non-voting membership

Withdrawn. Associated membership shall be used for startup-national associations

Topic 6 c) Change of Class Rules

The submission to change the class rules to clarify the situation about foil board was rejected after extended discussion (Voting result: 8 yes – 8 no  - additional vote of the chairman was not used). The current class rules allow hull appendages (fins) up to 50 cm length. Foils with a gauge of up to 50cm are therefore allowed.

The submission to limit the line length due to safety reasons was approved.

Add class rule F.1.2: LINE LENGTH: The maximum distance measured from the bar to the top of the kite shall not exceed 45 meters.

Vote: 12 yes – 4 no – 0 abstentions

Topic 6 d) Kiteracing Class


Topic 6 e) Foilboarding Class


Topic 6 f) Point System / Rankings

A report was received from the PKRA regarding the validity of the France event towards the IKA ranking. The general motion was to keep the result as it is standing, as a change would create more problems than it would solve. The Executive Committee will finally discuss the matter.

Topic 6 g) World Championship Title in Freestyle

The world champion title in freestyle should be separated from the IKA rankings and awarded to the only remaining pro tour (PKRA). This creates clarity in the ranking system (see above) and makes a clear differentiation between world RANKING and world CHAMPION.
The final point and ranking system will be published on the class website asap after Executive Committee approval

Topic 6 h) Human Resources Requirements and Certification

There is a great need to certify event personal, especially in the expression disciplines. A human resources requirements model has been presented that clarifies the requirements for different grades of events and introduces judges and race officers qualification and certification.
All certified event personal shall be listed on the class website for transparency. Details need to be fixed by the Executive committee before publishing

Topic 6 i) 2010 Worlds and Continentals

13 bids have been received for the 2010 worlds and continentals in course racing and speed. The negotiations are not finished yet but will be finalized beginning of 2010. The tender for the 2011 worlds and continentals will be published beginning of 2010 with a deadline in summer.

Topic 6 j) Youth Championships

The motion around the table is that participants need to be minimum 14 years old to enter the open division. There is no need for separate age championships yet, although several countries hold events especially for youth riders.

Topic 6 k) Website transparency and improvements

Over the last months, we had approximately 30000 visits per month with 225000 page views and 650000 hits. From the statistics it becomes clear that after each posted news we have a peak in the visitors numbers, and the live reporting via twitter on the website is well appreciated, resulting in app. double the number of hits per day than on non-competition periods.

We should work on a daily news update and regulary (weekly/monthly) newsletters sent out to all registered newsletter receipients, IKA members, ISAF members. It was suggested to update the website at least with contact details, pictures and short vita of the committee members.

Topic 6 l) New Competition Formats


Topic 6 m) Training Subcommittee

A report was received on possibilities to unify training worldwide due to the problems arising from several commercial training (correctly: teaching) companies and national schemes.

The general motion was that the class should not deal with this topic at this time, although a “framework” to bring the different systems at least towards cooperation would be desirable.

A working party may be introduced later on.

Coaching, in difference to Teaching, would be welcomed by all participants, in terms of developing national coaching systems

Topic 6 n) Snowkiting / Landkiting

This issue was welcomed by the majority of the members. A working party shall be set up by the executive committee to make first research about existing associations and structures and report back to the members. Only after these first considerations it is possible to make a statement about human resources and financial impacts

Topic 6 o) Advisory board setup


Topic 6 p) Any other business


Richard Gowers closed the meeting at 17:40 hours.