Meetings and Governance News

2011 AGM minutes

The minutes of the 2011 IKA class AGM have been published.

2011 IKA Annual General Meeting


Meeting starts at 18:45 on October 12 2011 at CAR Mar Menor

I. Welcome and Apologies

Proxies received:
Greece > Portugal: invalid as Greece has not paid membership fee
John Gomes > Bruno de Wannemaeker
Mexico > Spain
Hong Kong > Markus Schwendtner
Puerto Rico > Markus Schwendtner
Germany > France
Antoine Carretero > Francois Cuizinaud

Olivier Mouragues (FRA)
Francois Cuizinaud (for Antoine Carretero)
Olaf Jansen (NED)
Raul Aranello (ESP)
Joao Ferreira(POR)
Bruno de Wannemaeker (BEL)
Adam Szymanski (POL)
Markus Schwendtner (GER)
Richard Gowers (GBR)
Mirco Babini (ITA)

Total votes in the room:
18 at the beginning of the meeting
19 after elections

II. Previous Minutes

The minutes of the 2010 meeting have been published on the IKA website
The minutes are unanimously approved

III. Chairman's Report
Richard reported on the events held in 2011, with the PKRA having a series of 8 freestyle events, the KTE due to economical reasons 3 course/freestyle events and the KTA having had 5 combined events this season. KSP has just started their tour with 3 events. Next year is expected to see more events again.
The IKA championships have been well attended, especially the racing worlds on Sylt with more than 80 competitors.
The membership numbers of the IKA have been grown to 34 from 22 last year, an increase of more than 50 percent and a lot of more national associations in the lineup to become members next year.
IKA is offering an insurance for riders all over the world now, with 2 million euro third party liability and other benefits.
On the training side, IKA is talking with the ISAF to develop a “learn to kiteboard programme” which national associations all over the world can incorporate then as national training programmes.
On the Olympic development, no decision has been made yet by ISAF. More under “any other business”.

IV. Executive Secretary’s Report
Markus reports on the main issues in 2011 in the background. The one issue was the course racing production equipment, resulting in several submissions for this years AGM. The other main topic is about the 2011 wave world championship title. Markus gives an overview about the history of this topic and refers to follow up submissions.
A lot of work has been done on finetuning the rules, which results in the course racing rules being proposed to go into the printed ISAF rulebook, and the rules for all other disciplines being added as addendum to the ISAF website. Goal is, that everybody can get a complete rulebook for the specific discipline he wants to compete in.

V. Financial Statement

The final 2010 accounts are attached to these minutes for the IKA members. The year closed with expenditures of 26428 Euro and income of 28725 Euro The budget for 2011 is showing expected income of app. 40000 Euro and expected expenses of app. 36000 Euro, and the current figures let us expect that we will stay inside the budget. The 2011 budget is higher than the 2011 one due to increased administration expenses and the builders fees paid towards ISAF (in notable height). The builders fees are covered by corresponding income from the manufacturers through the production registration fees introduced in 2011. The budget for 2012 is expected to be around the same amounts.

Accounts and budgets unanimously approved

Note on any voting to be held:
All voting to be done by simple majority, in other words the option with the most votes wins, and abstentions are irrelevant. This means an absolute majority is not necessary.
For voting which is changing class rules or constitution, an absolute 2/3rd majority is necessary, which means that 2/3rd of the votes must be “yes”. Abstentions virtually are “no’s”.

VI. Elections
Four seats on the Executive Committee become vacant this year.
Nominations received are:

a.       Olivier Mouragues, President FRA association

b.      Bruno de Wannemaeker, President BEL association

c.       John Gomes, USA

d.      Adam Szymanski, POL association

All four candidates are unanimously approved by acclamation.

VII. Any other matters including those concerning Class Rules

(1) Age Categories (14 and under) on Professional Tours (a submission from the BKSA)

Submission part a)
To introduce a separate division and championships for children under 14 years old in all disciplines
APPROVED (19 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions)
Submission part b)
Only children over 14 and over are allowed to compete in the tours (PKRA and KTE/KTA/KSP) or any IKA sanctioned events in Men's and Ladies Divisions – with a guardian present at all times
REJECTED (2 yes, 17 no, 0 abstentions)

(2) Course Racing Equipment  - Class Rules (a submission from the Executive Committee)
To approve the class rules changes for course racing as decided on the 2010 AGM with the following change:
The maximum number of kites to be used is… (voting decision)

a)    The number of kites to be used per event shall be limited (YES/NO) – if this option receives a majority vote of NO, then no vote will be held on items b) to e) NOTE: This vote for option a) requires a 2/3rd majority !

APPROVED (12 yes, 7 no, 0 abstentions – no 2/3rd majority for NO)
Note: a rejection (and as a result a change of the number of kites) would have required a 2/3rd majority to move forward, as the current class rules (as decided last year) include a limitation in number of kites already.

b)   The number of kites to be used per event shall be changed from currently 3 to a number as decided in a later stage (YES/NO) – if this option receives a majority vote, the number of kites to be used per competition is decided in options c) to e) – majority of votes wins. NOTE: This vote for option b) requires a 2/3rd majority !

REJECTED (12 yes, 7 no, 0 abstentions – 2/3rd majority missed)

motion: all manufacturers are encouraged to produce full depower able kites and to increase the wind range.

c)    The maximum number of kites to be used per event shall be 4. (YES/NO)

d)   The maximum number of kites to be used per event shall be 5. (YES/NO)

e)   The maximum number of kites to be used per event shall be 6. (YES/NO)

No voting on c) to e) possible as option b) was rejected

(3) Course Racing Equipment  - Class Rules (a submission from the Executive Committee)
To approve the class rules changes for course racing as decided on the 2010 AGM with the following change:
Maximum kite size: this limitation should be dropped, as it is impossible to control during events, and there is no advantage anymore in using kites bigger than 19m

APPROVED (16 yes, 0 no, 3 abstention)

(4) Course Racing Equipment  - Class Rules (a submission from the Executive Committee)

(5) Course Racing Equipment  - Class Rules (a submission from the PKA)

(6) Course Racing Equipment  - Availability of equipment (a submission from the PKA)
The equipment registered to IKA within last 6 months availability. All gear should be available upon written order and prepayment submitted to a vendor within max 60 days from a day of registration by IKA. If a board is not delivered within the time limit a rider should submit a complaint to IKA. If the board is not sent within another 30 days – the board will be excluded from the production boards’ list.

REJECTED (1 yes, 13n o, 5 abstenstions)

motion: there is a big concern that manufacturers do not produce enough boards to satisfy demand in time. If there will be further problems for competitors to buy the boards they want to buy, this has to be discussed again.

(7) Course Racing Equipment  - Class Rules (a submission from the PKA)
To approve the class rules changes for course racing as decided on the 2010 AGM with the following change:
Minimum amount of production boards to be lowered to 30 as per submission 18 from 2010 AGM.

APPROVED (16 yes, 0 no, 3 abstentions)

(8) To approve the class rules for a new foilkiting class (name to be determined) which is administered by the IKA (a submission from the Executive Committee)
IKA can administer more than one class, each with individual class rules (to be distributed). A sub-committee shall be formed to regulate the specific demands of the class. The sub-committee shall be chaired by a member of the Executive Committee.

Unanimously APPROVED, Olivier appointed as chairman of the sub-committee, he will look for additional members

(9) Qualification system for major events – course racing (a submission from the Executive Committee)
To introduce a qualification system for major events in course racing – world and continental championships – to avoid beginners taking part disturbing racing on the top level. The NoR shall state the maximum number of entries and the qualification requirements.


Motion: the qualification shall include feedback from the national associations where they exist.
Ideas: racing licenses ?

Working party: POR takes care and sets up a working party

(10) Participation in Disciplines with elimination systems (with only one single or double elimination) (a submission from the Executive Committee)
Participation of foreigners in national events (international open) with elimination (especially freestyle and wave) is very difficult to handle, as foreigners could throw out top locals in early rounds.
Participation in events with elimination systems therefore shall be regulated as follows and the definition of “international open event” changed accordingly: In national and continental events, only competitors are allowed to participate which are either citizens of the country/continent, or have their permanent residence in the country/continent.

Unanimously APPROVED with the following friendly amendment: no restriction to foreigners, but preference shall be given to locals/residents. This has to be stated in the NoR.

(11) Prize money split men/women (a submission from the Executive Committee)
To introduce a different prize money split for events directly controlled by IKA (and preferably through tours as well).
The participation of women is still low – the current prize money split tries to encourage women by offering a comparably high percentage of the prize money in relation to the participation level. Other prize money splits make the amount of prize money for women dependant from the number of participats.
pro: more fair to the main number of competitors
con: no gender equality to achieve, competitors do not know how much they might win when signing up for the event.
The prize money split on IKA controlled events shall be as follows:

a)    keep current system (2/3 to 1/3 split, distributed 1-8 for men and 1-4 for women) (YES/NO)

b)   split 50/50 between men and women, distribution to be discussed (YES/NO)

c)    split depending on percentage of entry (e.g. 75% men, 25% women= ¾ for men, ¼ for women. If participants 50/50, then split 50/50). Develop a distribution model based on different participation levels (e.g. for women places 1-2 if less than 5, 1-3 if less than 8 and so on) (YES/NO)


Motion: see how it goes in 2012 and discuss next year again with more options. Richard will talk to female competitors about their opinions.

(12) Introduction of a code of conduct for all IKA representatives (A submission from the NVWK)
Purpose: Introducing a code of conduct for IKA officials
Objective: To avoid mixed interest in our organization and make integrity a policy
The NVWK is worried about the transparency of the IKA. With this transparency problem the NVWK is deeply concerned about the current public opinion the kite surfing professionals have of the IKA. We think that a code of conduct written for all people that perform activities in name of the IKA should be constructed. Part of this code should be that members of the executive committee, general assembly and any other person acting in the name of IKA should actively fight even the appearance of having mixed interest in cases concerning decisions of the IKA.  Complementary to that is our proposal that IKA officials whom are involved at decisions concerning the IKA approved competitions, are not involved with the organization, race management and jury of the event itself  (please see NVWK submission 2).

REJECTED (18 no, 0 yes, 1 abstention)

Motion: set up a working party to develop a code of conduct, led by NED and including the class chairman. The AGM can then vote on a specific proposal.

(13) The procedure around the determination of the competition point systems and titles (A submission from the NVWK)
Purpose: To install an independent committee which decides about competition point systems and titles
Objective: Open, transparent and independent decisions concerning competition acknowledgement, titles and point systems.
The NVWK wants more structured, democratic and transparent decisions concerning the decision around “world championship” titles and changes in the base point systems of kite surfing disciplines. An independent committee should be formed in order to make decisions upon explicit variables, which are open and transparent for all. These variables are determined by the members of IKA and discussed and if necessary revised during the AGM meetings.

REJECTED. This submission is not in line with the current constitution.

(14) The decision around base points on wave riding championship
Purpose: New decision about the wave point system in 2012 (A submission from the NVWK)
Objective: A decision which is more transparent and fits the wishes of the riders
The NVWK wants all decisions concerning the wave discipline points and world championship to be undone in 2012. We are surprised that a new event, which still has to prove itself, without any price money, having to high of a participation threshold, is chosen to have so much base factor points (upon variables which are unknown) in comparison to an established event as the PKRA with significant price money.  With the lack of price money it is difficult for professional kite boarders to participate with the events/tour. We think this kind of decisions do not benefit the individual rider, on the contrary, we think these kind of decisions will harm their and the sports interests.

REJECTED (1 yes, 10 against, 7 abstentions)

(15) Communication around the IKA (A submission from the NVWK)
Purpose: A communication protocol for all IKA members
Objective: More insight for outsiders in how the IKA is organized and a better name for our organization
The NVWK thinks that the IKA should start to communicate in a better manner to the kitesurfing communities. Not only about the events itself, but especially about the decisions which are made, how they are made and who is making them. We receive worrying sounds about the beach-votings with kiteboarding professionals about IKA matters. They are said to be unorganized, unprofessional and thereby under discussion.  Professional kiteboarders should be actively approached on how policy is made and how they can influence it. The IKA is set to be a democratic institution, which is quite complex and we think this needs extensive explanation. The national members also have a great responsibility in this, but the IKA has to support and coach them to bring the communication at a higher level.

REJECTED (1 yes, 15 no, 3 abstentions)

Motion: The principle around the communication is supported. IKA needs to work on better communication and develop a communication protocol.

(16) Production class (A submission from the NVWK)
Purpose: No production class
Objective: Stimulating innovation in the new sport of the kitesurfing kite race discipline
For the year 2012 the NVWK would like to, if possible, reverse the decision of production class boards in the racing discipline. In our opinion, the sport is too young to implement such extensive regulation and this will decline the (positive) fast development in the racing discipline. If it is not possible to reverse this decision for 2012, we would like to propose that in 2012 the non-production class boards can still participate in the official racing competition as an open class to prevent the number of participants from decreasing, for many (especially starting) racers the technical part of this discipline is 50% of the fun. This way we will meet the norms of the apparent Olympic demands, and still stimulate innovation in the sport.

REJECTED (1 yes, 15 no, 3 abstentions)

(17) Limitation and registration of kites (A submission from the NVWK)
Purpose: Change article 6h of the championship rules
Objective: Give riders freedom, stimulate safe competition and no financial en administrative load for the industry and event organizations.
The NVWK would like to propose to  limitation of kites to 0 and to cancel all forms of kite registration. We think the registration is an unnecessary policy that will frustrate the rider, producers and event organizations and that fees concerning registration an unnecessary financial weight on kite producers.

REJECTED (1 yes, 14 no, 4 abstentions)

(18) Championship Rules Course Racing (a submission from the Executive Committee)
To amend the Championship Rules for Course Racing as follows:
1.b.i: The time limit for the first finisher is 30 minutes

Unanimously APPROVED

(19) Championship Rules Course Racing (a submission from the Executive Committee)
1.c.i: If the wind speed is less than 5 knots 6 knots  average in the starting area at any time during the time between the preparation signal and the last minute prior to the starting signal, or the wind speed is dropping below 5 knots at any time during the last minute prior to the starting signal, the start shall be postponed and a new starting sequence initiated as soon as the wind strength is sufficient.

Unanimously APPROVED

(20) Championship Rules Course Racing (a submission from the Executive Committee)
At the end of 1.c.ii, add: If possible, the wind speed shall be measured also on the windward mark during the times when 1.c.i applies.

Unanimously APPROVED

(21) Championship Rules Course Racing (a submission from the Executive Committee)
To delete article 4.a (starting races) and rename the article to “Recalls”

Unanimously APPROVED

(22) Championship Rules Course Racing (a submission from the Executive Committee)
To amend the Championship Rules for Course Racing as follows:
5.a Scoring shall be in accordance with Appendix BB – Alternative Low Point System

Unanimously REJECTED. The class wants to stay with 0.7 points for the winner.

(23) Championship Rules Course Racing (a submission from the Executive Committee)
To delete Article 6 (Production Division) and reorder the remaining championship rules

APPROVED (14 yes, 5 no, 0 abstentions)

(24) Championship Rules Course Racing (a submission from the Executive Committee)
To amend the Championship Rules for Course Racing as follows:
7.c: Master: between 35 and 44 35+ years of age in the year of the competition

Unanimously APPROVED

(25) Championship Rules Kitecross (a submission from the Executive Committee)
To amend the Championship Rules for Kitecross as follows:
8.c: Master: between 35 and 44 35+ years of age in the year of the competition

Unanimously APPROVED

(26) Championship Rules Freestyle (a submission from the Executive Committee)
To amend the Championship Rules for Freestyle as follows:
10.b: Youth: between 14 and 17 under 18 years of age in the year of the competition
10.c: Senior: between 18 and 34 years of age in the year of the competition open to competitors of all ages
10.c: Master: between 35 and 44 35+ years of age in the year of the competition

Unanimously APPROVED

(27) Championship Rules Wave Riding (a submission from the Executive Committee)
To amend the Championship Rules for Wave Riding as follows:
9.c: Master: between 35 and 44 35+ years of age in the year of the competition

Unanimously APPROVED

(28) Any Other Business (discussion/reporting only)

a)    WISSA
Richard and Francois report on talks with the World Ice and Snow Sailing Association about a cooperation. WISSA wants to include our expertise for their snowkiting competitions and IKA should join WISSA. This would also clarify the question of snow kite world championships (which are not really regulated at the moment) and help for a clear structure.

b)   Open Equipment on national events
National associations may change the class rules for their national competitions so that any equipment other than registered production boards and kites are allowed to compete. This should help grassroots sailing on the national level to grow and allows old equipment (including custom mades) to be used. However it is recommended that this is only done for a interim period, and that  events counting towards the world rankings need to use equipment in compliance with the 2012 class rules.

c)    Olympia Update
Markus reports a bit more in detail on the next steps. The current decision is for mens windsurfing and/or kiteboarding, and same for women. That means, either windsurfing in, kiteboarding out, or the other way around, or one gender windsurfing, the other gender kiteboarding. There is also discussion about mixed teams for a common medal, e.g. one male windsurfer and 1 male kiteboarder (and same for women) for one medal, combining their scores of the races. There is also no decision on the format yet, but course racing (probably with a slalom end as currently done in RS:X) is most likely.
It is preferred to secure two medals for kites, however sensible arrangements can be taken into consideration. RSX class will be requested to clarify their position if they are working for a combined medal or try to secure individual medals. In case of the latter, IKA will fully work towards two medals for kite.

d)   Future World Championships
The issues around the 2011 wave world championship title have shown, that organizers and tour operators need long term planning security. Plus, competitors demand and expect different things from events and especially demand a full focus on their disciplines and not a mixture which makes no one completely happy. It is therefore recommended, that at the world level separate tour operators concentrates on only one discipline each to deliver the best possible product to competitors, media and sponsors. In return these tour operators should get long term planning safety and long term contracts, with strict control if they deliver the product as contracted. If not, they may lose the contract and the title rights.
In the long term it is the wish of the class to also have a world championship tour in racing and slalom, but only if the funding (prize money available) makes it reasonable for competitors to travel around the world. Until then, we will continue with the current system of world and continental championships.
On continental level combined events of different disciplines still seem to be reasonable.
Corresponding contracts should be made as soon as possible.

e)   PKRA racing performance
Competitors and NCAs raise complaints about the level of race management on PKRA racing events. If PKRA wants to retain major event status in racing, their racing crews and procedures need to follow international standards. PKRA should be made aware of this and accordingly qualify their staff.

f)     Race Management and Judging Seminars
IKA will arrange Race Management Seminars and Judging Trainings beginning of next year. For the judging seminars trainings need to be developed before, with input from ISA for waves and Wakeboarders for freestyle (for the structure of the seminars).

g)    Future Submission Process
Bruno recommends to strictly introduce a standard format for submissions, otherwise submissions need to be immediately rejected in the future if they cannot be voted on with yes or no.



There being no other business, the meeting closed at 23:45 hours